Disease Management

Ameripro's Disease Management and Home Health Program

Cardiopulmonary Disease Management Patients recovering from a Cardio/Pulmonary event like a heart attack or Cardio/Pulmonary surgery require specialized care and attention. The kind of care provided by Ameripro Healthcare Group's Cardio/Pulmonary Disease Management Team. RN Case Managers, Physical and Occupational Therapists and a Social Worker consult with the appropriate specialists and a Registered Dietitian to formulate the recovery plan that is best for you.

The Cardio/Pulmonary Disease Management Team coordinates

  • Medication management
  • Cardio/Pulmonary education
  • Energy conservation techniques
  • Supportive counseling
  • Diabetes Management

Special emphasis is placed on strictly adhering to medication, insulin schedules, diet recommendations, and maintaining blood sugar levels in the normal range established for the patient, thereby reducing or eliminating the associated complications.

Our Diabetic Management

Team will perform, or teach the patient and/or family to:

  • Administer insulin as needed
  • Become familiar with therapeutic effects and adverse side effects of medications
  • Monitor blood sugar levels
  • Maintain Diabetes care regimen
  • Assess response to treatment/interventions
  • Recognize the signs of hyper/hypoglycemia
  • Recognize when it is time to call the physician or emergency assistance
  • Prevent and control secondary infection

Wound Management

Whether you have an acute wound that needs intensive treatment, or a chronic wound that requires specialized ongoing attention, our Wound Care Team is available to the attending physician to assist in developing an individualized treatment plan, and dedicated to ensuring that physician directives are correctly executed.

Types of wounds that may be treated

  • Pressure ulcers: Stages I, II, III, and IV
  • Lower extremity ulcers: venous ulcers, diabetic ulcers, arterial ulcers
  • Other: abrasions and skin tears, surgical wounds, and burns

Our therapeutic services include evaluating the wound and selecting appropriate dressings; tracking the progress of wound treatment, including photographing and reporting; antibiotic monitoring; ordering special support surfaces for pressure relief as appropriate; patient and family education; and treating the chronic underlying health problems.